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Akademia Młodych
Uczonych PAN​

We monitor and issue opinions on legal acts drafts, as well as develop recommendations and propose changes in the organization of science in Poland.

Polish Young Academy was established in 2010. Its members are selected by the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences from among researchers who, at the time of selection, do not exceed 38 years of age and have at least a doctoral degree.

Polish Young Academy activates the community of young scientists: we organize and co-organize scientific conferences, we take patronage over scientific events, and we popularize science.


How to make a mask yourself (no sewing)
W obliczu zagrożenia epidemią COVID-19 i konieczności używania masek w przestrzeni publicznej zebraliśmy kilka informacji nt. przygotowania masek na własne potrzeby.
Warsaw International Medical Congress for Young Scientists
Akademia Młodych Uczonych objęła patronatem Kongres 16th Warsaw International Medical Congress for Young Scientists (WIMC), który odbędzie się w Centrum Dydaktycznym Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w dniach 8-10 maja 2020 r.…